
Body Toning Medellin

Contour & Tone The Body With Our Body Toning Services


The impacts of aging don’t just appear on the facial skin but also target the curves of your body. If you want to regain your slim profile without resorting to invasive surgeries, our body toning services might be what you are looking for. Slim body treatments and toning at Mery Álvarez are expertly handled by our medical professionals with years of experience. To top it off, we house the most advanced modern healthcare technology to sculpt and shape the body, the likes of Microson, Russian Currents, Intralifting, and Musculptech. The devices tone the desired areas of the body to achieve transformative results without resorting to surgery. 

We are the experts in nonsurgical cosmetic body rejuvenation in Colombia, with extensive experience in the latest body contour procedures. With body toning, you can effectively eliminate stubborn localized fat and regain your desired contoured profile. 

Non-Surgical Body Toning Medellin

Gain natural-looking, beautiful results without the scarring, downtime, and post-op pain that comes from surgery.

Quality Guaranteed

We house the latest aesthetic tech that provides enhanced precision, control, and greater accuracy for highly safe and effective results!

Comprehensive Aesthetic Medicine

Our treatment plans are fully tailored to meet your unique needs. What are your expectations from the procedure? Let’s hear them from you. Reach out to us today to start your transformative journey!

Our Body Toning Services

Sculpt the body, and gain the curves you have always desired through non surgical body toning. Effectively eliminate stubborn fat deposits from the body while reducing sagging skin to get a firmer, youthful body contour. Our capabilities include:


Microson HIFU (High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound) is a noninvasive technology that uses focused ultrasound waves to eliminate unwanted pockets of fat from targeted areas of the body. The thermally focused waves penetrate the dermis layers, destroying stubborn fat while stimulating collagen production, tightening sagging skin, and toning the muscles.

Russian Currents

Russian Currents electrostimulation is an innovative muscle toning technology that uses electric stimulation to strengthen the muscles and contour the body. This unique approach triggers the rapid stimulus of muscle contraction to engage the mass of muscle fibers, promoting growth and strength while promoting lymphatic drainage. Sports rehabilitation and physical therapy have never been the same!


Intralifting is a body contouring procedure that uses radiofrequency energy to break up localized body fat. The body contouring machine is typically used to target fat in the abdomen, hips, and thighs, offering highly satisfactory results. Despite its noninvasive nature, it effectively reduces sagging skin and wrinkles while stimulating tissue regeneration and improving skin quality.


Musculptech is a rarer piece of technology that uses focused electromagnetic field waves to pass through the superficial layers of the skin, where it interacts with motor neurons to trigger muscle contraction. It is capable of triggering 30,000 supramaximal contractions, forcing the muscle to adapt by remodeling its internal structure, usually by increasing muscle fiber size and number.

Complementary Procedures

Our slim body treatment and toning services are a great way to tone and sculpt the body to your desired aesthetics, offering natural-looking results thanks to its nonsurgical nature. For optimized results, you can combine your procedure with other compatible treatments, depending on the goals you have in mind.

Can Body Toning Be Used to Correct Obesity?

At Mery Álvarez Medellin Aesthetic Clinic, our treatment plans are carefully outlined after closely inspecting your health history and desired results. We can target localized fat deposits anywhere in the body, regardless of your age. However, it is not an obesity treatment. We recommend our Colombian body sculpting and toning services for stubborn fat deposits that are resistant to changes in diet and exercise. 

Our cutting-edge technologies are a testament to our capabilities. We have all the procedural capabilities needed to help deliver your desired body contour, delivering natural-looking curves that everyone must envy!

Eliminate Localized Fat with Body Toning

Nonsurgical body toning is often specifically preferred to target subcutaneous fat deposits naturally, without going under the knife. Here are some of the advanced minimally invasive technologies we house:

Lipolaser Medellin

Lipolaser or Laser Assisted Liposuction is a minimally invasive aesthetic procedure that removes excess fat from the body and reshapes it to your desired aesthetics while reducing body cellulite. High-intensity laser waves are strategically directed under the skin to shrink fat cells, increasing lymphatic drain and improving circulation.


Consider Hydrolipoclasia as a non-surgical form of liposuction in Medellin. It is a technique used to break up adipocytes (fat cells) in the body, promoting elimination through lymphatic drain. During the procedure, a hypotonic serum is applied, which weakens the cell membrane, followed by a low-frequency ultrasound that breaks down the fat cells.

Intraderm Injections

Intraderm injections use an innovative formulation of bio-remodeling substances that are injected into localized fat deposits. They remove stubborn fat, enhance skin hydration, tone the body, and provide relief from cellulite. 

Get the body contours you have always desired with our nonsurgical body toning services.

Mery Álvarez Clinic: Leaders in Personalized Treatments

We believe every individual is unique and deserves a fully personalized approach to their treatment. Schedule your appointment with our professionals today!

Before and After Body Toning

Check out the before and after images of our body toning services. These are the results of the cases we have handled in person at our clinic. The transformative change is truly inspiring!

Benefits of Body Toning in Medellin

Schedule Your Treatment Today

Nonsurgical body contouring is one of the most sought-after treatments at our clinic, ideal for those who wish to achieve their desired body shape without surgery. There are several benefits it offers:

  • Supplement your fitness routine with nonsurgical body contouring to boost your results
  • Our body toning services are noninvasive, so you can resume activities almost immediately.
  • Body toning is a painless procedure that leaves no scarring
  • It delivers your desired body contour, a more defined physique 
  • It helps increase muscle mass and tone the body
  • Promotes muscle growth and stimulates tissue regeneration, enhancing body vitality
  • It allows you to eliminate sagging skin and firm the muscles
  • Can be used to tone the arms, breasts, legs, waist, buttocks, and other areas of the body. 
  • It reduces cellulite in the skin for a more desirable appearance
  • We offer fully personalized treatment plans that are adapted to your individual needs.


1. How Effective Is Body Toning?

Body toning services performed at our clinic are highly effective at sculpting the body and enhancing the physique. They can increase muscle tone and reduce subcutaneous fat deposits while improving skin appearance. While results may vary from individual to individual, we have largely seen promising results among our clients. For optimized results, we always encourage you to adopt a balanced diet and exercise.

2. When do the Effects of Electrostimulation Become Apparent?

The effects of electrostimulation or Russian currents can vary according to your individual case. Some individuals can see results after a few sessions, while others need more rigorous sessions to see results. For effective results, you must remain committed to your treatment regime, as your professional has outlined. After the recommended sessions, you will begin to notice promising results in your targeted area: the buttocks, arms, legs, and abdominal areas.

3. Who Should Not Opt for NonSurgical Body Toning?

Figuring out if non surgical body toning is for you means looking at your health history, current lifestyle, and the desired procedure. Some cases in which the body contour treatment may not be recommended include:

  • Skin diseases or active infections
  • Venous thrombosis
  • Hypertension
  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Electronic implants
  • Oncological problems
  • Photosensitivity, 
  • Pregnant or lactating women

It is important to consider the limitations of these procedures. Your health must be placed above all else. Contact us for more information on our services and whether you are a right fit for them.

4. How to Reduce Weight Without Surgery?

Thanks to the advent of dermatological technology and noninvasive aesthetic medicine, clients can achieve their desired weight without resorting to surgery. You can gain your desired shape and toned body without suffering from downtime and scarring from traditional surgical procedures.  Trust us at the Mery Álvarez Colombia aesthetic clinic to handle your case. As experts in aesthetic medicine, we deliver promising treatment plans that not only meet your needs but are safe, minimize risks, and reduce recovery time. Visit us for a consultation today to get started!

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